Wiadomości i polityka
Tvp 1. JAKBY!
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"www.rajkaregakhalsa.Net This prayer was composed by Guru Nanak ji sometime between 1500-1507. It is recorded at the start of the Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It explains how the barriers of deceit and falsehood can be broken in life and how to become one with God. To relate and connect with your soul. Recite in the early morning or when your being is endangered, when the radiance of your soul is weak, when your soul feels sad. All wisdom of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is contained in ..."
"Follow me on Twitter! Can I interest you in another social networking site? Try this dailybooth one on for size, I think you will like it. The bill was $860 dollars. We had to put some of it on a card and used cash for the rest. DID YOU GET IT RIGHT?"
" (Sorry for the Typo in the beginning, It\'s supposed to be Feb 19th)"
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Utworzony: 2009-08-20"Cała prawda o politykach, dziennikarzach i reszczeie bandy manipulującej nami. Imperia medialne zajmują się cenzurą i ogłupianiem. Korporacja polityczno medialna rządzi. Dzięki PinoTV złamiemy ich monopol na informacje."
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